On August 16, 2019
Energy costs is a major problem of mechanical pulp production.ValmetGrindingSurfacesGalileoandA turbineThe characteristics of theD grinding slice of virtue,isTo deal withPGWprocess不同阶段能耗挑战的最新解决方案的示例。
D grinding slice of virtueThe latest solution significantly decreasedPressure stone ground wood pulp(PGW) process energy consumption.In addition, the overall optimization can improve production efficiency and guarantee the good quality of the final product.
Energy costs is a major problem of mechanical pulp production.ValmetGrindingSurfacesGalileoandA turbineThe characteristics of theD grinding slice of virtue,isTo deal withPGWChallenge process energy consumption of different stages of the latest example of a solution.BurgotheVerzuoloThe factory applicationD the optimum of virtueAfter the solutionEnergy saving effectsignificant.
D virtue in2010Introduced in theGalileogrindinggrindingConcept, to improve the grinding process.It toSteel reinforcedforbasis,The miningwithIn order toboltedThe coated withIndustrial diamond coatingPart of theTo replace the traditionally used toThe grinding millStone.Using this technique,Each production1Tons of paperYou can save up to300~500KWH.In addition, the totalcapacityCan improve the20% ~50%.
Slurry pulpingisPGWAnother part of the energy consumption in the process.TurbinegrindingIs newpulpingMethods the key.Main purpose is to produce through uniform processing and have similar performance of fiber as much as possible.In order toTo achieve thepurposeFiber and steam must be controlledThe way ofThrough the millPlate gap, and must beAs far as possible,To reduceAll rotating and reflux.The flow of the efficientTo reduce thePulping machine energy consumption.
"In order to provide excellence to our customerstheTo optimize theService,In the pulp residueIn the pulping,wewillgrindingsliceResearch and development,withGalileogrindingThe surface of theThe combination of.measurementThe results show that thePart of the most energy-efficient is grinderTurbinegrinding, reduce the energy consumptionThe most.inPulp residuepulpingThe fiber is very tough,High strength pulping process, make itHas the good"Performance, therebymadeHigh quality pulp."D virtue global technology managerPetteri VuorioExplained.
Spanish Boolean amraphel Verzuolo factory directorRaffaele MarinucciConcluded:
"Our cooperation with d virtue for two different projects, two have achieved good results.Previously, using the Galileo alternatives to traditional grindstone, we save energy by 10%, and increased production by 25%.wein两台浆渣磨浆机安装新的Turbine磨片后,节省能源达30%,估计每年节能约为6 百万度电。”
"Whether from the economic perspective and reduce carbon dioxide emissions from environmental point of view, the comprehensive effect of the two projects has a significant impact on the paper mill."
Verzuolo factory, provided by the Burgo group in Italy
PGWOn behalf of the "pressureforcestoneGround wood pulp".PGWProcess using logs as raw materials for the production of mechanical pulp.theProcess byA fewSection of, includingPulping,screeningSlag, plasmaTo deal with, bleaching,Dehydration and storage.